Vitamin B6 (also known as Pyridoxine, Pyridoxamine
or Pyridoxal) is
a vitamin that can easily be dissolved in water which means the body is
not able to store it for a long time. This also means that person
should get a normal supply of it since it is easily excreted through
the urine.
Since this isn’t the most popular
supplement, you might wonder about the benefits brought by this
nutrient to the body.
Here are some specific functions to the body:
Protein Metabolism
Metabolism of red blood cell
Tryptophan conversion to niacin
Proper functioning of the nervous system
Proper functioning of the immune system
Increases the oxygen level of hemoglobin
Maintenance of sugar or blood glucose
Vitamin B6 plays a very important role in the
maintenance of
bodily systems and it is recommended that a person take in at least 1.3
mg daily
Men and women below 50- 1.7 mg
Men over 50- 1.5 mg
Women over 50- 2 mg
Lactating and pregnant women-
1.9 mg
Without adequate consumption, deficiencies can
occur and lead to serious health conditions.
How can a person become deficient ?
A person who has a poor diet and who doesn’t regularly take
in foods
rich in Vitamins can become deficient. Alcoholics are also candidates
for deficiency because alcohol destroys the presence of this nutrient
in the body.
Children with asthma and who are treated by
tehophylline should
get supplements as this medication results to a low storage of this
nutrient in the body.
Consider the following health problems for those
who are deficient:
1. Pyroluria-is an illness
related to a chemical
imbalance as a result of an abnormal synthesis of the hemoglobin. And
because B6 is an important component in hemoglobin formation, its
deficiency can cause this disease.
Irritability/Grumpiness/Depression-A person who
exhibits these symptoms can also be deficient. However, studies
conclude that depression can be treated with supplements.
3. Dermatitis or skin disorders
4. Soreness of the tongue
5. Anemia
Vitamin B6 is also popular as a supplemental
treatment for:
Premenstrual Syndrome-It has
been used to treat this condition
which is more popularly known as PMS. However, there are reports of
high toxicity among women taking this for PMS.
Carpal tunnel syndrome-There is
no scientific evidence
that taking in a minimum of 100 mg daily can treat this illness.
However, a lot of books are recommending this. It is important to
consult with a doctor first to ensure the safety of the patient.
Parkinson’s disease-It
is said to be instrumental in
cutting back the risks resulting from this disease. However, the study
is still non-conclusive.
Hangover-It can be used to
lessen this effect.
Morning sickness-It can be used
to remedy these ill
effects experienced by pregnant women. It has been proven safe for
pregnant women. The regular intake of Vitamin B6 as well as other
substances like magnesium is said to be an effective treatment for
autistic children.
The good thing about Vitamin B6 is that it can be easily found in
plants(vegetables) and animal sources. Among those foods are:
Nuts (hemp
Wheat germ
Fortified cereals
Flesh and skin of baked potato
Chicken Breast
Salmon and Tuna
Some people who may still be using supplements should be
vigilent of excessive doses. A Vitamin B6 (particularly from
supplements not from food sources) overdose can result in a deadening
or numbing of the arms and legs, also known as sensory neuropathy in
the medical world.
However, such a condition can be reversed once the
taking in of the supplement is stopped.