Raw Hemp Milk Recipe

This raw hemp milk recipe is perfect alone or with your breakfast cereal.It will keep for 3 days in the refrigerator in a sealed container. Shake well before use.
Parents: This is a very easy way to get a good source of the Omega-6 & Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids for your children's breakfast. Hempmilk is enjoyed by many. Try making some fresh today or buy our ready to drink Hemp Bliss organic hempmilk
1 cup
Shelled Hemp Seeds
5-6 cups Water
Combine the water and the Shelled Hemp Seed in a blender. You can create the desired thickness by using more or less water(from coffee creamer consistency to skim).
Blend on high for 2 -3 minutes, or until creamy and smooth.
To sweeten add: banana, dates, figs, raisins, maple syrup, honey or your favorite fruit. Blend again until smooth. You can enjoy it thick or strain it through cheese cloth.
Makes: 6-7 cups
Prep Time: 2 min
Compliments of
Manitoba Harvest