Nutivas Hemp Oil
Nutiva's Hemp Oil Dietary Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 tbsp (14 g)
Calories 120
Total fat 14 g Saturated fat 1 g Polyunsaturated fat 11 g Monounsaturated fat 2 g Trans fat 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg Sodium 0 mg Total carbohydrate 0 mg Sugars 0 g Protein 0 g Not a significant source of sugars, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron. Omegas per tbsp: Omega-6 LA 7 g Omega-3 ALA 2.5 g Omega-6 GLA .5 g Omega-3 SDA .25 g Ingredients: 100% raw certified-organic, unrefined hempseed oil. For optimal freshness, keep refrigerated. Use within 8-12 weeks of opening. Freezing extends shelf life. USDA Organic Cold Pressed Delicious Nutty Flavor Add to your favorite recipes Rich in Omega-3 A vegetable source closest to fish oil. Trust Nutiva for the freshest, best-tasting products. Enjoy our delicious, unrefined, cold-pressed certified-organic Canadian hemp oil. Hemp is rich in Omega-3 - the "good fat" doctors recommend for optimal health. Hemp oil has nature's ideal 4-1 Omega-6 to -3 ratio. Unlike flax, hemp contains valuable Super Omega-3 (SDA) and Super Omega-6 (GLA), which help our bodies metabolize fat, especially vital to combat the effects of stress, aging, and environmental toxins.
Use 1-2 tablespoons daily in smoothies, salads, vegetables, and pasta dishes. To conserve the EFA's, don't fry with hemp oil.
Nutiva's Hemp Oil 24 oz
Nutiva's Hemp Oil 16 oz
Nutiva's Hemp Oil 8 oz